07 Sep Round 5 SAMX Championship – Harrismith
Round 6 of the SA MX Championship was held in Harrismith , my day started off good with a strong qualifying session where I was able to put in a fast time to set me up for a good gate pick in moto1.
Moto 1 – Unfortunately I was involved in a big start crash and my throttle cable got ripped off so I could not carry on , this was very disappointing as resulted in a DNF.
Moto 2 – With Last gate pick I new I had to do everything I could to get a good start as it was a very tight track and difficult to pass. I got good start I was about 7thand managed to fight my way to 5th by lap 2 , unfortunately my back end step out around a corner and I went down , I picked myself up in 17th place and put my head down to charge back to 11th by the end of the race.
A very unlucky weekend but that’s racing and will carry on training my butt off to get back to the top !
I went dnf-11th for 15th overall
Thank you for all your support